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Ihab Badawi



3 Months program




Designed by seasoned experts with extensive international experience, the CMCC​™ program offers a comprehensive approach to the consultancy profession. Spanning three months, this advanced modular program covers every aspect of consultancy, from translating expertise into successful services to establishing a professional reputation.

Discover what it truly means to be a professional consultant and learn how to embody the role of a trusted advisor. Gain the tools and insights needed to drive meaningful change and effectively market your services. With CMCC​™, you’ll develop the professionalism needed to thrive in the consultancy business and unlock your true worth.

Become the go-to consultant sought after by clients for your expertise and support. Start your journey towards a fulfilling and rewarding career—one that offers the freedom you’ve always dreamed of.

Are you prepared to forge a fulfilling career, make a meaningful difference, and achieve greater financial rewards?

Embark on an exciting journey to redefine your career and establish yourself as a distinguished consultant, renowned for your expertise and innovation in your chosen field. Our comprehensive program is meticulously designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the dynamic world of consulting.

As you delve into the realm of consulting, our program offers a unique blend of practical insights, strategic thinking, and hands-on experience. Through interactive workshops, real-world case studies, and collaborative projects, you’ll gain a deep understanding of industry best practices and emerging trends.

Beyond traditional consulting approaches, our curriculum explores innovative strategies and cutting-edge technologies that drive meaningful impact and deliver tangible results for clients. From developing tailored solutions to effectively communicating recommendations, you’ll learn how to navigate complex challenges and drive organizational change with confidence.

This program isn’t just about earning a certification, it’s about unlocking your potential and positioning yourself as a trusted advisor and thought leader in your field. With our guidance and support, you’ll embark on a transformative journey that will shape your career and open doors to exciting opportunities in the consulting industry.

This comprehensive program, structured over a period of three months, is designed around an immersive, hands-on learning approach, organized into three distinct levels:


Step into a transformative journey toward unlocking your full potential as a consulting expert. Our comprehensive program is meticulously crafted to equip consultants of all levels with the skills and knowledge essential for success in the dynamic field of consulting. 

Delve deep into the art and science of crafting engaging experiences, refining your expertise in innovative solutions, and harnessing cutting-edge technology to drive impactful strategies. 

Whether you're a seasoned consultant seeking to enhance your capabilities or a newcomer eager to make your mark, our program offers the tools, insights, and support to help you thrive in the world of consulting. Join us and embark on a path toward becoming a trusted advisor and change agent in the consulting industry.


Cultivating a Professional Consultant Mindset Fostering the mindset and skills necessary for success in the consulting field, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication.

  • Translating Areas of Expertise into In-Demand Services: Identifying and articulating areas of expertise that align with market demand, ensuring services are relevant and sought-after by clients.
  • Supporting in Establishing and Launching a Professional Consultancy Service: Providing guidance and support in setting up a consultancy business, including legal and administrative aspects, branding, and marketing strategies.
  • Equipping Attendees with Skills for Scope of Work Drafting: Teaching participants how to accurately define project scopes, outlining objectives, deliverables, timelines, and resources required.
  • Translating Scope of Work into Budgets and Delivery Plans: Empowering attendees to translate project scopes into comprehensive budgets and delivery plans, ensuring alignment with client expectations and project goals.
  • Training on Drafting Progress Reports: Providing instruction on creating clear and concise progress reports, tracking project milestones, and communicating effectively with clients and stakeholders.
  • Sharing Top-of-the-Line Consultancy Tools & Templates: Introducing participants to industry-leading tools and templates for project management, analysis, reporting, and client communication, enhancing efficiency and professionalism.
  • Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset: Cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset focused on innovation, creativity, and adaptability, essential for success in the competitive consulting landscape.
  • Gaining Hands-On Experience in Designing & Delivering Assessment Centers: Providing practical experience in designing and facilitating assessment centers, including assessment methods, participant evaluation, and feedback delivery.
  • Translating Assessment Results into Development Plans: Guiding participants in interpreting assessment results to develop actionable development plans tailored to individual or organizational needs.
  • Experiencing Organizational Audit Processes: Immersing participants in the process of conducting organizational audits, including data collection, analysis, and identification of strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.
  • Generating Gap Analysis: Teaching participants how to perform comprehensive gap analyses to identify discrepancies between current and desired states, informing strategic decision-making and action planning.
  • Developing Buy-In and Support with Stakeholders: Equipping attendees with strategies for engaging stakeholders, building relationships, and gaining support for proposed initiatives or changes.
  • Defusing Resistance and Managing Change: Providing techniques for addressing resistance to change, managing conflicts, and facilitating smooth transitions during organizational change initiatives.

With real-time application
our Certified Master Consultant Coach Program - CMCC™ ensures you don't just learn Theory but
master The Art Of Conuslting through Practical Experience.



These 3 certifications validate your commitment and professionalism in Consulting. The program culminates with a live training session of your own design in front of a live audience.


Joining the Certified Master Consultant Coach (CMCC™) program isn’t just about gaining a certification, it’s about elevatING your consulting career to new heights. This program is meticulously crafted to equip you with the tools, skills, and confidence needed to make a significant impact in your clients’ lives and businesses.

As a CMCC™, you’ll learn how to leverage your expertise and experience to establish yourself as a trusted advisor and thought leader in your field. Through comprehensive training and practical insights, you’ll gain the knowledge and strategies to effectively address your clients’ challenges and drive meaningful change.

From analyzing complex problems to implementing tailored solutions, the CMCC™ program empowers you to navigate the intricacies of consulting with precision and finesse. You’ll discover how to not only identify opportunities for improvement but also inspire and guide your clients through the process of transformation.

Wondering if this program is right for you?

Whether you’re a seasoned consultant looking to enhance your skills or someone new to the field seeking to make a mark, the CMCC™ program is designed to help you unlock your full potential and become the consultant every client desires. It’s time to elevate your consulting career and make a lasting impact in the world of business and beyond.


This program is ideal for individuals who are passionate about sharing their expertise and making a positive impact on others. Whether you’re looking to carve out your own path in your career or seeking opportunities for continuous growth and development, this program is tailored to suit your needs. 

It is suitable for professionals across all domains who aspire to create innovative and valuable services that can benefit others. Join us if you’re ready to unlock your potential and establish yourself as a leader in your field.


Benefits of Attending

Unlock professional insights into launching your consulting career with confidence.
Embrace a robust methodology for delivering exceptional consultancy services.
Discover your strengths and areas for growth through personalized assessments.
Develop essential skills in financial acumen, business development, and strategic thinking to excel in entrepreneurship.
Validate your project delivery capabilities with international case studies.
Join the expanding network of consultants within the IBG community.


✓ Building a Professional Consultant Mindset: Learn how to cultivate the mindset of a successful consultant, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective communication skills.
✓ Translating Areas of Expertise into a Demanded Service: Discover how to identify your areas of expertise and package them into services that meet the demands of your target market.
✓ Supporting in Establishing and Launching a Professional Consultancy Service: Receive guidance and support on the process of establishing and launching your own consultancy service, from defining your niche to creating a business plan.
✓ Equipping Attendees with the Skills to Draft Accurate Scope of Work: Master the art of drafting clear and comprehensive scope of work documents that outline project objectives, deliverables, timelines, and budgets.
✓ Enabling Attendees to Translate the Scope of Work into a Budget and Accurate Delivery Plan: Learn how to translate the scope of work into a detailed budget and delivery plan, ensuring alignment between client expectations and project outcomes.
✓ Training Attendees on Drafting Progress Reports: Develop the skills to create progress reports that effectively communicate project status, milestones achieved, and any challenges encountered.
✓ Sharing Top-of-the-Line Consultancy Tools & Templates: Gain access to a suite of consultancy tools and templates designed to streamline your processes and enhance your service delivery.
✓ Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset: Cultivate the entrepreneurial mindset necessary to identify opportunities, take calculated risks, and adapt to changing market conditions.
✓ Gaining Hands-On Experience on Designing & Delivering Assessment Centers: Acquire practical experience in designing and facilitating assessment centers, including conducting assessments, providing feedback, and developing development plans.
✓ Translating Assessment Results into Development Plans: Learn how to analyze assessment results and translate them into actionable development plans that support individual and organizational growth.
✓ Experiencing the Process of Conducting Organizational Audits: Gain firsthand experience in conducting organizational audits to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.
✓ Generating Gap Analysis: Develop the skills to conduct comprehensive gap analyses that identify discrepancies between current and desired states, informing strategic decision-making and action planning.
✓ Developing Buy-In and Support with Stakeholders: Discover strategies for building rapport, gaining buy-in, and fostering collaboration with key stakeholders, both internally and externally.
✓ Defusing Resistance and Managing Change: Learn techniques for managing resistance to change and navigating organizational dynamics to successfully implement new initiatives and drive transformation.

Program Modules

Level 1

Certified Professional Consultant – CPC™

The Certified Professional Consultant program provides a transformative educational journey tailored to enhance your consulting expertise and professional recognition.

Over the course of the program, participants will immerse themselves in an intensive curriculum delivered over three days of interactive workshops. Following the workshop session, participants will embark on a one-month assignment to apply their newfound knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios. With a personalized approach, hands-on learning opportunities, and an emphasis on practical application, the CMC™ program equips consultants with a robust foundation in both the art and science of consulting.

✓ Develop a comprehensive understanding of the consulting profession, including its principles, methodologies, and best practices.
✓ Acquire advanced skills in client communication, relationship management, and stakeholder engagement to effectively meet client needs and expectations.
✓ Learn how to conduct thorough organizational assessments, identify key issues and challenges, and develop tailored solutions and recommendations.
✓ Gain proficiency in drafting and presenting professional proposals, including scoping projects, defining deliverables, and outlining project timelines and budgets.
✓ Master the art of project management within a consulting context, including effective planning, resource allocation, risk management, and quality assurance.
✓ Enhance consulting effectiveness through the application of advanced problem-solving techniques, critical thinking skills, and decision-making frameworks.
✓ Explore innovative approaches to consulting, including leveraging technology, data analytics, and industry trends to drive value for clients and organizations.
✓ Develop strategies for marketing and branding consultancy services, positioning oneself in the market, and attracting and retaining clients.
✓ Cultivate a professional consulting mindset, including ethical principles, integrity, professionalism, and continuous learning and development.
✓ Apply learned concepts and skills through practical assignments, case studies, and real-world consulting projects, culminating in the demonstration of mastery as a Certified Master Consultant.

  • The Truth about consulting
  • Types of Consulting engagements
  • Market entry evaluation
  • How to start knowing your niche
  • What differentiates a professional consultant
  • Why 85% of entrepreneurs do not make it after year 1
  • Your Consulting strategy

  • How to conduct a competitor analysis
  • Preparing for the exit strategy
  • The consulting skills
  • How to launch your consulting business
  • How to kick start your business

  • Identifying and targeting potential clients
  • Strategies for networking and building relationships
  • Effective approaches for cold outreach and warm introductions
  • Building credibility and trust with prospective clients
  • Understanding client needs and pain points
  • Developing customized solutions and value propositions
  • Strategies for closing deals and securing contracts
  • Maintaining long-term client relationships and fostering loyalty
  • Handling client objections and addressing concerns
  • Leveraging client referrals and testimonials for business growth

  • How to build your Brand
  • How to position yourself
  • Developing your message
  • Your Website
  • How to reach your target

Level 2

Certified Master Consultant – CMC™


Our CMC™ program will enhance your consulting prowess, expanding upon the fundamental concepts learned in Level 1 - Certified Professional Consultant (CPC™).

This immersive one-month course consists of three days of virtual instruction, supplemented by three days of intensive in-person workshops. The program concludes with participants delivering a live consulting session, meticulously evaluated by a panel during the final face-to-face segment.

✓ Develop Advanced Consulting Skills: Enhance participants’ consulting capabilities through in-depth training in advanced methodologies and techniques.
✓ Refine Strategic Thinking: Foster strategic thinking and problem-solving skills necessary for addressing complex consulting challenges.
✓ Master Client Engagement: Equip participants with the tools and strategies to effectively engage with clients, understand their needs, and deliver tailored solutions.
✓ Strengthen Communication Skills: Enhance verbal and written communication skills to articulate ideas, present findings, and negotiate effectively with clients.
✓ Cultivate Business Acumen: Develop a deeper understanding of business operations, financial principles, and market dynamics to provide holistic consulting services.
✓ Foster Leadership and Collaboration: Cultivate leadership qualities and collaborative skills essential for leading consulting projects and working effectively within multidisciplinary teams.
✓ Achieve Client Results: Empower participants to drive tangible results for clients by delivering high-quality consulting services that meet objectives and deliver value.
✓ Navigate Ethical and Professional Standards: Instill a commitment to upholding ethical standards and professional integrity in all consulting endeavors.
✓ Enhance Personal Development: Support participants in their personal and professional growth journey, fostering resilience, adaptability, and continuous learning.
✓ Prepare for Real-World Consulting Challenges: Provide practical insights and experiences to prepare participants for the diverse challenges they may encounter in their consulting careers.

  • Implementing structured problem-solving methodologies
  • Root cause analysis and critical thinking skills
  • Advanced brainstorming and idea generation techniques
  • Decision-making frameworks for complex problems

  • Developing strategic plans for organizational growth
  • Strategic alignment and goal setting
  • Strategy execution and performance measurement
  • Agile strategy development for dynamic environments

  • Identifying and prioritizing stakeholders
  • Stakeholder mapping and analysis 
  • Stakeholder engagement strategies
  • Managing stakeholder expectations and conflicts

  • Understanding financial statements and ratios
  • Financial modeling for consulting engagements
  • Cost-benefit analysis and return on investment (ROI)
  • Budgeting and forecasting techniques for consulting projects

  • Persuasive communication techniques for consultants
  • Advanced presentation design and delivery
  • Handling difficult conversations and objections
  • Non-verbal communication and body language

  • Leading change initiatives in organizations
  • Change management frameworks and models
  • Overcoming resistance to change
  • Creating a culture of continuous improvement

  • Negotiation strategies for complex consulting contracts
  • Conflict resolution techniques for client engagements
  • Win-win negotiation approaches
  • Mediation and arbitration skills for resolving disputes

  • Identifying and assessing project risks
  • Risk mitigation strategies for consulting projects
  • Contingency planning and risk response strategies
  • Monitoring and controlling project risks

  • Leveraging data analytics for informed decision-making
  • Data visualization techniques for presenting insights
  • Statistical analysis and hypothesis testing
  • Making strategic recommendations based on data

  • Building long-term client relationships
  • Client retention strategies and account management
  • Customer experience and satisfaction measurement
  • Value-added services for existing clients

  • How to approach your client
  • How to conduct the client brief
  • The SPIN Approach
  • From Brief to a Proposal

  • Understanding the organizational landscape
  • The perfect outline structure
  • Tips to avoid mistakes in a proposal
  • How to present and Negotiate
  • Costing your services

  • The Organizational Audit
  • Locking the Scope of Work (SOW)
  • The importance of Consulting objectives
  • Consulting project evaluation (ROI – ROE)
  • The Delivery Methodology

  • Delivering the service
  • Managing Tough issues
  • How to communicate internally
  • Converting data to monetary value
  • Why to measure
  • Methods of data collection

Level 3

Level 3 Certified Master Consultant Coach - CMCC™


Transform your expertise with the Certified Master Consultant Coach (CMCC™) program, a comprehensive month-long immersion designed to build upon the foundational knowledge acquired in Level 1 and Level 2. This advanced tier begins with three days of immersive virtual training, seamlessly transitioning into three days of in-person sessions. The program culminates in a pinnacle moment where participants showcase their mastery through live training sessions, rigorously evaluated by seasoned experts during the final face-to-face component. Elevate your skills and credentials as you embark on this dynamic journey toward consulting excellence.

Mastery of Consulting Methodologies: Develop proficiency in advanced consulting methodologies and frameworks to address complex business challenges effectively.
✓ Strategic Thinking and Analysis: Enhance strategic thinking capabilities and analytical skills to assess organizational needs, identify opportunities, and develop innovative solutions.
✓ Client Relationship Management: Acquire strategies for building and maintaining strong client relationships, understanding client requirements, and delivering value-added solutions.
✓ Leadership and Collaboration: Cultivate leadership qualities and collaborative skills essential for leading consulting projects, managing teams, and fostering a culture of collaboration.
✓ Effective Communication: Refine verbal and written communication skills to articulate ideas persuasively, present findings convincingly, and negotiate effectively with clients and stakeholders.
✓ Business Development and Marketing: Gain insights into business development strategies, marketing techniques, and client acquisition methods to grow a successful consulting practice.
✓ Ethical and Professional Standards: Understand and adhere to ethical principles, professional standards, and best practices in consulting to uphold integrity and build trust with clients.
✓ Project Management and Delivery: Develop project management competencies to plan, execute, and monitor consulting engagements, ensuring timely delivery and meeting client expectations.
✓ Continuous Learning and Development: Foster a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development, staying updated on industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices in consulting.
✓ Real-World Application: Apply acquired knowledge and skills to real-world consulting projects, gaining practical experience and building a portfolio of successful engagements.

Embark on a transformative journey with the pioneering IBGears Certified Professional Trainer Program.

Be among the first to unveil the immense power of CMCC™ and its groundbreaking techniques, guided by the esteemed MCC Ihab Badawi and his team of expert trainers.

Prepare to make a profound impact, reaching out to millions with your newfound skills and knowledge.


✓ Cultivate a resilient entrepreneurial mindset tailored for launching and managing a successful consultancy venture.
✓ Access cutting-edge consultancy toolkits and frameworks used by industry leaders worldwide.
✓ Engage in immersive, hands-on simulations to lead real-world consultancy projects and hone practical skills.
✓ Develop a strategic business development perspective and deploy effective marketing strategies to propel your consultancy service.
✓ Acquire essential insights into revenue generation tactics and sustainable business growth strategies.
✓ Deepen your understanding of the trust clients place in you and the responsibility to guide them to success.
✓ Foster mutual respect with clients and team members, fostering collaborative and productive working relationships.
✓ Hone negotiation skills and adeptly navigate challenging situations with confidence and poise.
✓ Cultivate self-confidence, unwavering commitment, and the ability to navigate complex scenarios effectively.
✓ Enhance listening skills to communicate persuasively and empathetically, fostering meaningful connections with stakeholders.
✓ Ignite motivation, sharpen intellectual acumen, and cultivate a mindset of continuous improvement and growth.
✓ Develop tactical, strategic, and analytical prowess to deliver exceptional consultancy outcomes.
✓ Empower collaborative teamwork, knowledge sharing, and leadership development within consultancy projects.
✓ Master essential management and operational skills essential for consultancy success.
✓ Gain insight into identifying and overcoming obstacles hindering clients from achieving their goals.
✓ Deliver value-driven consultancy services with authenticity and passion, driven by a genuine desire to make a difference.
✓ Anticipate challenges, reason effectively, and deliver sound judgments based on thorough analysis and observation.
✓ Operate professionally with impartiality, independence, and unwavering dedication to client interests.
✓ Thrive under pressure, adapt to change seamlessly, and maintain focus on future-oriented transformation.

Why Choose IBG?

Enroll in the IBG Training Program CMCC™ and unlock a treasure of knowledge to supercharge your training skills and abilities.


  • Our wealth of experience, our professional faculty, and a proven history spanning over 15 years of training Triple A companies.
  • Our commitment to excellence is evident in our continuous development programs, ensuring that our training remains dynamic, relevant, and impactful.
  • CMCC™ program is a highly accredited program which indicates that the program meets high standards of quality and professionalism.
  • CMCC™ program offers you unlimited resources for professional development
  • CMCC™ program connects you with others in the industry
  • CMCC™ program adapts the training to virtual or hybrid formats, which makes it convenient & practical.




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