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A Program Like No Other!

The Senior Certified Transcendence Coach (SCTC) program represents the pinnacle of coaching excellence, offering a comprehensive and advanced curriculum designed to elevate seasoned coaches to the highest levels of proficiency and impact. Aspiring coaches who embark on this transformative journey are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and mindset necessary to navigate the complexities of the coaching landscape with confidence and mastery.

Through an immersive learning experience, participants delve deep into the principles and practices of the Transcendence Coaching Model, a cutting-edge approach that integrates the latest advancements in coaching theory and methodology. Led by renowned experts and thought leaders in the field, the SCTC program empowers coaches to harness the power of transformational coaching techniques to effect profound and lasting change in their clients’ lives.

Central to the SCTC program is the development of advanced coaching competencies, including enhanced communication skills, strategic thinking, emotional intelligence, and cultural competence. Coaches learn to navigate diverse coaching scenarios with finesse, guiding clients through complex challenges and facilitating breakthroughs that unlock their full potential. The SCTC program also emphasizes the importance of personal and professional growth, encouraging coaches to cultivate a deep understanding of themselves and their clients. Through rigorous self-reflection, peer collaboration, and ongoing mentorship, participants gain valuable insights into their coaching practice, refine their coaching approach, and continually strive for excellence.

Upon completion of the SCTC program, graduates emerge as highly skilled and respected leaders in the coaching community, equipped to drive meaningful change and make a lasting impact on individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. With their senior certification in hand, SCTC graduates are poised to embark on new heights of success and fulfillment in their coaching journey, empowered to lead with authenticity, integrity, and compassion.





PCC credentials


Earning coaching credentials holds paramount importance in your professional journey for several compelling reasons:
  • Establishing Expertise and Enhancing Reputation: Coaching credentials serve as a testament to your proficiency and expertise in the field. They validate your knowledge, skills, and commitment to excellence, enhancing your credibility and reputation as a trusted authority in coaching.
  • Developing Professional Relationships and Contacts: Accredited credentials open doors to valuable networking opportunities within the coaching community and related industries. They enable you to connect with fellow professionals, mentors, and potential clients, fostering collaborative relationships and expanding your professional network.
  • Increasing Visibility and Demand: Holding recognized coaching credentials sets you apart in a competitive market, making you more visible and sought-after by prospective clients. It positions you as a credible and reliable choice, increasing your chances of attracting clients who value professionalism and expertise.
  • Growing Professional Network and Seizing Opportunities: Accredited credentials provide access to exclusive events, conferences, and communities where you can network with industry leaders and influencers. This exposure opens doors to new opportunities, partnerships, and collaborations that can propel your coaching career to new heights.
  • Attaining Proficiency in Coaching Techniques: Through credentialing programs, you gain comprehensive training in essential coaching techniques and frameworks. This includes mastering the art of active listening, employing clean language and metaphors effectively, and utilizing proven methodologies like the PERMA framework for positive psychology coaching.
  • Dealing with Limiting Beliefs and Shadow Work: Accredited coaching programs equip you with the tools and strategies to address deep-seated limiting beliefs and shadows that may hinder personal and professional growth. By exploring these areas with clients, you can facilitate profound insights and transformative breakthroughs, unlocking their full potential.
In essence, earning coaching credentials is not just about acquiring a certificate; it’s about investing in your professional development, enhancing your coaching practice, and making a meaningful impact on the lives of your clients. It signifies a commitment to excellence, continuous learning, and ethical practice, paving the way for a fulfilling and successful coaching career.

A good coach inspires his clients to envision their true potential and what they can be, encourages them to strive for greatness and transcend to new heights
Ihab Badawi


Our program unleashes your innate coaching abilities, empowering you to tap into your full potential and become the transformative coach you were meant to be.
Gain the tools, techniques, and insights needed to elevate your coaching practice to new heights, creating profound and lasting impact in the lives of your clients.
Set yourself apart in a competitive market by earning prestigious credentials that showcase your expertise, credibility, and dedication to excellence.
Connect with a diverse community of coaches from around the world, sharing knowledge, experiences, and best practices to enrich your coaching journey.
Dive deep into the latest coaching methodologies, including advanced techniques like clean language, systems thinking, and positive psychology, to stay ahead of the curve.
Build confidence in your coaching abilities as you receive personalized feedback, guidance, and support from experienced mentors and peers throughout your journey.
Explore new horizons and possibilities as you immerse yourself in a transformative learning experience that challenges, inspires, and expands your perspective on coaching and personal development.
Reignite your passion for coaching as you uncover new insights, approaches, and strategies to fuel your growth and reignite your sense of purpose and fulfillment.
Ultimately, our program empowers you to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others, guiding them on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation that transcends boundaries and inspires positive change.


Develop a deep understanding of coaching principles, methodologies, and best practices to become a skilled and knowledgeable coach.
Strengthen core coaching competencies, such as active listening, powerful questioning, and goal setting, to effectively support clients in achieving their objectives.
Master advanced coaching techniques and interventions, including neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), emotional intelligence, and mindfulness, to address complex client needs and challenges.
Prepare for professional accreditation by renowned coaching bodies such as the International Coach Federation (ICF), earning credentials that validate your expertise and credibility in the field.
Embark on a transformative personal development journey, gaining self-awareness, insight, and resilience to overcome obstacles and thrive in your coaching practice.
Cultivate a strong ethical foundation in coaching, adhering to ethical guidelines and standards of conduct to ensure the highest level of integrity, trust, and professionalism in your practice.
Expand your coaching repertoire by exploring diverse coaching models, approaches, and methodologies, enabling you to tailor your coaching style to meet the unique needs of each client.
Develop essential business and marketing skills to build and grow a thriving coaching practice, including client acquisition, branding, pricing strategies, and effective communication.
Engage in collaborative learning experiences, including peer coaching, group discussions, and case studies, to deepen understanding, share insights, and receive constructive feedback.
Ultimately, the program aims to empower you to facilitate meaningful and sustainable transformation in your clients’ lives, helping them unlock their full potential, achieve their goals, and thrive personally and professionally.


Seasoned coaches looking to elevate their practice, refine their skills, and expand their coaching repertoire to work with more complex client issues.
Executives, managers, and team leaders seeking to integrate coaching principles and techniques into their leadership approach to enhance team performance, communication, and collaboration.
Human resources professionals interested in incorporating coaching techniques into talent development, performance management, and employee engagement initiatives within their organizations.
Business consultants, advisors, and mentors seeking to add coaching expertise to their service offerings, providing deeper support and guidance to their clients in achieving their business objectives.
Mental health professionals looking to integrate coaching techniques into their therapeutic practice, offering clients additional tools and strategies for personal growth and development.
Educators, trainers, and facilitators interested in incorporating coaching principles into their teaching and training methodologies to foster a more student-centered, participatory learning environment.
Healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals, interested in incorporating coaching techniques into patient care to support behavior change, lifestyle management, and holistic well-being.
Career coaches, outplacement consultants, and career transition specialists seeking advanced coaching skills to better support clients navigating career changes, transitions, and reinventions.
Leadership development coaches and consultants focused on helping individuals and organizations cultivate effective leadership skills, resilience, and adaptive capacity in today’s rapidly changing business landscape.
Social entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, and community organizers interested in leveraging coaching principles to drive positive social change, foster community resilience, and empower marginalized populations.

Benefits of Attending

Learning how to use the Transcendence Coaching Model to effectively identify your clients’ strengths and areas for growth, enabling them to build a roadmap to success based on a clear Individual Development Plan (IDP) supported by a comprehensive strength-based assessment.

Mastering Clean Language and Metaphors

Use language and metaphors to unlock your client’s potential and accelerate their growth

Learning how to use a language that is free from assumptions, interpretations, and judgments, and harnessing the power of metaphors to clients in tapping into their own unique insights and strengths, and accessing their inner wisdom and creativity. Equipped with these skills, our graduates will be able to support their clients in overcoming obstacles, accomplishing their objectives, and leading more fulfilling lives.

Dealing with Limiting Beliefs

Help your clients overcome their limiting beliefs and reach their full potential
Through a combination of guided exercises, practical case studies, and in-class discussions, coaches will learn how to help clients recognize their limiting beliefs, develop strategies to challenge and overcome them, embrace a growth mindset, and cultivate a positive attitude towards their own abilities and potential.

How to Challenge the Client

Develop your skills in challenging your clients to go beyond their comfort zone and achieve their goals
Encouraging clients to venture beyond their comfort zone can be a daunting task, yet it is a critical aspect of the coaching process. Our program arms you with diverse range of coaching techniques such as case studies and interactive exercises to effectively challenge your clients in a supportive and empowering manner.

Analogies and Distinctions

Develop your skills in creating analogies and distinctions that can help your clients gain clarity and insight
Enhancing your coaching abilities by honing your skills and crafting impactful analogies and distinctions. These powerful tools will empower you to guide your clients toward greater clarity and profound perspectives. By incorporating these techniques into your coaching practice, you will facilitate transformative shifts in your clients’ understanding, enabling them to navigate challenges and make informed decisions.

Coaching using PERMA

Use the PERMA model to help your clients achieve long- term happiness and well-being PERMA Model, a framework developed by Positive Psychology expert Martin Seligman.

  • P Positive Emotions
  • E Engagement
  • R Relationships
  • M Meaning
  • A Accomplishment

Using this model allows you to help your clients identify their strengths, set meaningful goals, develop strategies to achieve them, cultivate positive emotions, build strong relationships, find meaning in their lives, and accomplish their goals.

Triple Loop

Help your clients identify patterns and break through their limiting beliefs with the triple loop coaching model.
Learning how to use the triple-loop coaching model to help clients identify patterns, challenge their assumptions, and break through their limiting beliefs. This powerful model goes beyond traditional coaching techniques, allowing clients to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their behaviors.

The Three Main Barriers for Growth “Fear-Hurt-EGO”

Learn how to help your clients overcome their fears, hurts and ego-driven behaviors that can limit their growth.
Fear, hurt, and ego are the three main barriers that can hinder personal and professional growth. As a coach, you have the unique opportunity to help your clients overcome their fears, hurts, and ego-driven behaviors that may be holding them back from reaching their full potential. Learn how to create a safe and supportive environment for your clients to explore their fears and emotions, and how to guide them towards a more positive and growth-oriented mindset.

Coaching using PERMA

Use the PERMA model to help your clients achieve long- term happiness and well-being PERMA Model, a framework developed by Positive Psychology expert Martin Seligman.

  • P Positive Emotions
  • E Engagement
  • R Relationships
  • L Leadership Coaching

Develop your skills in coaching leaders and executives to enhance their leadership effectiveness
Leadership coaching is a specialized field that requires a deep understanding of the complexities and challenges faced by leaders and executives in today’s fast-paced and constantly changing business environment. Our program focuses on helping you develop the necessary skills to work with leaders and executives and address their unique needs.

Artful Listening

Master the art of Active Listening and build deeper connections with your clients
Going beyond what’s said and diving into truly understanding your clients’ thoughts, feelings, and perspectives, while tapping into your intuitive abilities as a skilled coach to provide valuable insights and contributions.

How to Offer a Contribution

Learn how to offer valuable contributions that help your clients achieve their goals
Mastering the skill of offering valuable contributions is integral to the coaching journey, as it allows the coach to offer profound insights and perspectives that clients might have overlooked, where transformative change becomes possible. With these skills, our graduates will be well equipped to make a positive impact in the lives of their clients and contribute meaningfully to the world around them.


Our Learning Management System (LMS) and e-learning platform are designed to provide you a comprehensive online learning experience, and offer you a range of tools and features to support your learning needs. Our e-learning platform provides a user-friendly interface that allows learners to access course materials, participate in interactive activities and discussions, and receive personalized feedback and support.
Learning labs designed to take you through a practical dive into the implementation of the Transcendence Coaching Model that would enable you to carry a deep coaching conversation with your clients.
The supervised sessions are designed to deepen your understanding of Transcendence Coaching and sharpen your coaching skills.
10 hrs. of mentor coaching to guide you through your journey and provide a dedicated and tailored feed-forward on your real – time implementation of coaching.
Coaching is a continuous development journey and CCA provides a post – training support through its free continuous development program to ensure that all graduates are maintaining a high coaching standard based on a variety of topics and skills.


Elevate your coaching skills to a new level of proficiency, equipped with advanced tools and methodologies to drive transformative change in your clients’ lives.
Develop heightened communication abilities, enabling you to establish trust, rapport, and influence with clients from diverse backgrounds and contexts.
Learn how to collaborate with clients to set clear, meaningful goals aligned with their values, aspirations, and organizational objectives.
Embark on a journey of self-discovery, gaining insights into your own strengths, blind spots, and areas for growth as a coach and as an individual.
Harness the power of language and metaphor to unlock your clients’ subconscious thoughts and emotions, facilitating profound breakthroughs and insights.
Master the art of triple loop coaching, enabling you to help clients identify underlying patterns, challenge limiting beliefs, and effect lasting behavioral change.
Unlock the keys to lasting happiness and fulfillment by leveraging Positive Psychology principles to cultivate positive emotions, meaningful relationships, and a sense of purpose in your clients’ lives.
Develop specialized skills in leadership coaching, empowering executives and organizational leaders to enhance their effectiveness, drive innovation, and achieve peak performance.
Equip yourself with strategies to help clients overcome common barriers such as fear, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs, enabling them to unlock their full potential and achieve their goals.
Experience a profound personal and professional transformation, emerging from the program as a confident, skilled, and impactful coach ready to make a difference in the lives of others.


  • CCA provides unparalleled international exposure to all graduates through our global learning platform. Here, you can connect with top-rated operational coaches from diverse cultural backgrounds, offering invaluable insights into global norms and values.
  • Our faculty comprises a distinguished lineup of MCC and PCC coaches, each bringing extensive experience and expertise in specific niches. With their guidance, you’ll benefit from a rich and varied learning experience, enhancing your skills and knowledge in your chosen field.
  • We offer robust programs designed to equip coaches with the tools and knowledge needed to excel in their careers. Our comprehensive approach ensures a solid foundation for success, enabling you to achieve sustainable results and make a meaningful impact on your clients.
  • At CCA, we’re committed to supporting your professional journey every step of the way. From personalized development programs to specialized support platforms, such as the Continuous Development Program and Coaching Hours Club, we ensure that you have the resources and guidance needed to thrive in your coaching practice.
  • Our hands-on Niche Development and Personal Branding program is a game-changer for aspiring coaches. Through this unique offering, graduates gain the skills and knowledge to launch a successful coaching career, establish their professional reputation, and stand out in the competitive job market. With CCA, your success is our priority, and we’re dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.


✓Practical approach based on real time coaching;
✓Fluid model designed to empower you as a highly skilled coach in any niche of your choice;
✓Free Continuous Development Programs offered to our graduates to ensure they stay up to date with the latest coaching practices.


Ihab, is the author of The Rise Of The Transcendence Leader-Coach”, a Master Certified Coach (MCC), Certified Marketing Expert (CME), and Certified Franchise Expert (CFE), is a global change catalyst supporting organizations in achieving leadership excellence. 

With extensive cross-cultural experience in 58 countries over 22 years, he excels at connecting with diverse individuals, fostering team cohesion, and shaping diverse leadership styles.

His senior management roles, including Chief Commercial Officer and Managing Director, contribute to his expertise in business development, corporate management, culture reengineering, and talent development.

Ihab is passionate about creating transformational impact, and transferring knowledge to other. Now Ihab focuses on developing others who have the same capacity so as to increase the positive impact across the globe.




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